
sound voyage

A shamanic healing experience channeled by Jeremy Fraj

Sound therapy is one of the oldest forms of healing known to humans.

Before modern medicine, ancient cultures relied on instruments & voice to heal the body & mind.

Sound, the energy of Creation

Didgeridoo in the Forest

The Australian aboriginal people are the first known culture to heal with sound. They have been healing bones and diseases with the didgeridoo for 40,000 years.

Pythagoras, who lived 2,500 years ago, was known as the Father of Harmonics. He believed that music contributed significantly to health and was the first to prescribe music as medicine. He discovered the use of different harmonic ratios to cure disease of the mind, body and spirit. He performed what he referred to as “soul adjustments.”

Whether it is the sound of the ocean, the gently patter of rain on a tin roof, or the reverberation of the didgeridoo, sounds affect us in different ways. Think about music and how it makes you feel.

For many years, different cultures have harnessed the power of sound and vibrations to transform states of mind, soothe the emotions, and balance the mind and body to facilitate healing.


so... what is "trypknowledgy"?

let me explain...

Why, it's a play on words of course.

"Tryp"... taking a trip... tryptamine... an inner alchemical experience combined with "Knowledgy"... inner wisdom/knowing... awareness.

So basically it is the "technology" of your body & mind, when in alignment and activated through sound... you go on a "tryp", a profound soulful journey within to receive wisdom for the mind and information for the body. So that is why I came up with the name Trypknowledgy.

The intention of these sound voyages is to not only bathe you in healing/therapeutic vibrations but to help induce a trance, psychedelic in nature, so that you traverse into the subtle realms of Self! From here, everyone's experience will vary and that is why it is so powerful. Sound is universal however our personal journeys are totally unique. We each have our healing and transformation to undertake.

Whether you are receiving these sounds live, in person or virtually... the potential for deep introspection is present. I am merely a conduit, a channel, an instrument if you must... to help bring forth the sonic medicine that comes from a place of raw, instinctual creativity. All I could say is... EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!!

"Music gives a soul to the universe. Wings to the mind. Flight to the imagination. Life to everything. "


a trifecta of healing


sound voyage

Standing human body meditating, chakra energy points, blue abstract background
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Sound therapy nourishes your nervous system and gently guides you into a state of rest and digest. In this state, aka 'parasympathetic', the body will know how to rejuvenate naturally. Every system in the body has a rhythm, like a collection of instruments. The variety of sounds will strike harmony & balance within every cell, organ, and system of the body. Isn't that fascinating?

Unfolding of the Mind
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My favorite. The sound "voyage" is a psycho-emotional experience that brings a potential for profoundinner realizations, reprograms, and revelations that may shift & transform your mental/emotional health.The science shows that it can reduce symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, and PTSD by impacting the brain in a way that reconfigures our neurochemistry. Mind blown!

Abstract colorful sacred geometry graphic mandala
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If you are here reading this, then surely you know & feel that you are more than just human. You are a beautiful soul experiencing this unique life. Sound healing not only impacts body & mind but may elevate your state of consciousness and well-being. By accessing subconscious parts of ourselves, we may heal trauma, release stuck energy, alleviate stress/anxiety/depression, and overall become more aware of ourselves which means life becomes more SOUL-FULL.

the magical creative force of sound (vibration) brings about changes in our body, mind & soul

but wait there's more...


sound voyage

You may be asking... "Is there any evidence that this actually works and isn't just some spiritual woo-woo healing?"

Absolutely. Sound healing is recognized as a therapeutic element, both since ancient times and in modern times. There are so many proven benefits! All natural.

body, mind, soul, spirit
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increased relaxation

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a more positive outlook

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improve meditation practice

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increase energy level

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enhance mood

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heightened consciousness

reduce physical pain

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reduce stress/anxiety

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alleviate depression

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deeper restorative sleep

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enhanced brain function

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balance chakra centers

where do the sounds come from?

im glad you asked...

The soundscapes that are provided will consist of a wide variety of instruments along with my voice and breath. The instruments that you will be receiving healing vibrations from are mainly crystal quartz singing bowls, native percussion such as rattles, animal drums, and shakers. There will also be other world instruments such as an ocean drum, kalimba, tibetan bowl, rain stick, flute and hand pan.

Throughout the voyage, I will channel with my voice and breath to create a multidimensional experience using tones, overtones and chants along with rhythmic breathing to move energy around. If you have received a shamanic and/or plant medicine ceremony before, then this experience may remind you of those due to the "psychedelic" journeying aspect.

With all of these elements, the experience will provide a wide array of feelings. Anywhere from deep profound meditation, relaxation and stillness to cathartic emotional release. You may feel like you are levitating or floating away into the ethers or feel very grounded and in your body, taking in all the sensations. It is a balance of light, dark and everything in between. It is cosmic yet primal. It is gentle yet also triggering. Everything is for you to receive as your unique self. When you expect the unexpected, then you may fully be open & receptive to what the experience could provide you. Trypknowledgy will surely shake you up in a loving way!!!

a little more details to paint the picture :)

What I hope to provide for everyone is an opportunity to induce a bliss-FULL trance-like state that reveals the true nature of who we are. I strive to be an instrument of the Great Creator, allowing spirit & plants to work through me. I am here to bridge the upper and lower worlds together, within the conscious & subconscious mind, to facilitate profound inner alchemy & transformation. ⁣

I simply ask that you have an open heart & mind to journey with these sonic vibrations that will surely move you and stir you up in a way that you feel safe to receive. I strive to hold powerful space and bring in both masculine and feminine aspects of energy healing. Throughout the years I have been told countless times that my offering feels very shamanic and has provided deep inner journeying .⁣

All in all, this deeply profound experience is a sure way to get out of your head and into your body while re-connecting with your most resonant, balanced self! ⁣ ⁣


  • Reconnect with the inner child.⁣
  • Increase awareness of the present moment. ⁣
  • Bring about elevated states of consciousness.⁣
  • Allow for joy & oneness to be activated & directly experienced. ⁣
  • Acknowledge emotions that are repressed and transmute/release all that no longer serve us.⁣
  • Experience the transformative medicine of chaos.

the impact is real



Black Arrow Paint Stroke Scribble

Kimberly B.

Wow is an understatement. This isn’t your typical sound bath. This is an immersive ceremony with a skilled shamanic healer that is elevating and levitating. His repertoire of sounds, energy and motion will take you on your journey. He is led by his heart and it shows. I’m certain once word gets out it is going to get more difficult to book sessions in more personal settings so book soon. It was a great experience and I hope to do more!

Joshua J.

Jeremy brings a raw and somewhat tribal sound that entices your cells to come alive and connect instantly with your being in a way that brings you home to your true self! I personally have sat and dropped in to the other side with the energy and frequency that this beautiful soul brings with his sound bath!! If you haven’t had a chance to experience yet just do it!

Blurred Shadow
Blurred Shadow

Holly N.

I had felt very angry, tense, anxious and as if my throat was choking for weeks. After the session I felt very relaxed and calm and free of the choking sensation I was previously felt. I look forward to seeing my healing progress and truly would recommend more people try this form of healing.

Athanasia M.

Jeremy's unique healing gift through sound brought me new levels of awareness in myself every time. During the journey, Jeremy intuitively would create sound waves that were exactly what I needed to relax, let go and surrender into the vastness of the Now. After each session, I felt completely renewed, rejuvenated and revitalized. I can't wait for my next session!

ARE YOU ready for?

Handdrawn Decorative Arrow
Spiral Black Icon, Geometric Twirl and Rotation

sound voyage



For now, these sound voyages are offered live, in-person... this is the best way to experience it in my opinion. But eventually I will be transmitting virtually as well!

intimate Setting

Each sound healing session will come with intuitive guidance, integration and suggestions for ongoing practice (if any). The sound bath will be more immersive and focused on each individual rather than a group.

more time

In a private session, more time is allocated. Usually up to two hours, maybe three which includes all the offerings. This will allow for a more profound opportunity to journey within in sacred ceremony.

more offerings

Private sessions will have more "add-ons" available such as Hape tobacco medicine, tea/cacao drink, superfood grounding shake, oracle reading, guided meditation, spiritual counseling and sharing circle.

wellness for staff

Health is wealth. Offering wellness activiries to your staff means you care about them. Enocuraging optimal body & mind means better productivity, satisfaction and happiness. Sound healing is a great way for employees to relieve stress, enhance mood, boost clarity and overall feel rejuvenated mentally/emotionally.


Sound journeying is powerful because it allows the individual to dive deeper into their inner world. To feel safe to explore their emotions and traums hidden in the subconscious. Healing the mind-body leaves everyone feeling empowered!

Participating in wellness activities as a group will build a stronger team. Healing together allows for deeper connections and a sense of belonging. It is known that community is so vital. Group sound healing will provide excellent work and social benefits!

Please Inquire





group transformation

$222 for 1-2 participants

$88 for each additional person





a perfect pairing

Sound is the universal language. That is why a sound healing journey is perfect to accompany any kind of self healing modality... from yoga to breathwork to tantra to psychedelic ceremonies... offering this medicine will allow for greater transformation on every level!

maximized healing

Whether it is to start the day off grounded, to dive deeper into psycho-emotional healing, to activate higher states of consciousness or to rejuvenate after a long day of self love. Participants will appreciate the added dimension of sound journeying.

community healing

Although the journey of self love is highly individual, there is still a sense of belonging and togethernes when there is a community. A sound journey within an intimate context such as a retreat or ceremony will surely enhance interpersonal connections. Together we thrive!

Please Inquire

My promise to you is to be at your service. I aM here as a conduit for spirit to work through me as a sound journey facilitator. i am fully committed to holding sacred space and sharing my heart. if you feel called to receive this medicine, i am here for you.

let's connect to schedule your trypknowedgy sound voyage!

PH: 714-269-2848 (call or text)


Instagram: @ohsoulsimple